A real life Test in Denmark

Posted on by on June 6th, 2012 | 0 Comments »

We have been contacted by Sören and Ann having a problem with their 1979 Safir 26 motor boat.

The boat is kept extremely and unusually well, and have been renewed on all bases. However the polish of the out side gel coat lags 3 years of care in between two former owners and needs some heavy polishing in order to regain the colour.

After a week or so we received a mail saying:

The product is received and tested – and I’m impressed, same as are the others at the marine who came by to see the results. When the correct working procedure was in place and I did as described (I have not even washed the boat even though we had been out in rough weather and there was much salt was dried onto covered) Gelcoat Sealer UV+ was doing tremendously good job.  So the procedure must be: follow the instructions correctly and the effect will impress, as compared to what else is around of polishing products  – and everything is basically done just in one working process!

Sören and Ann,  Aalborg, Denmark

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